Easy to apply
Our anti-damp paints are easy to apply on walls

They can be applied like normal paint, using a paint brush or paint roller.

You do not need a machine to apply it.

It can be washed with water.

Once the surface is dry, it can be washed and repainted.

Dry to touch in 1 hour and completely dry in 12 hours.
Easy maintenance
Maintenance of the Airtec device
For the proper maintenance of the station of air is necessary:

Clean the nozzles (1 time per year) with a cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Clean the gratings with a brush.

Clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner or wash it with a frequency between 1 and 3 months depending on the pollution of the area and replace the filter at least once a year.
TEMPORTEC recommend using original filters for extend the life of the air station. The use of other filters could damage it or prevent functioning proper.
For any manipulation of the air station, except for changing filter, disconnect it from the electric mains.

Efficiency proved
They definitely eliminate conden-sation on walls

The above picture shows how thermography contributes to identify construction faults. It makes the detection of heat leakages, damp and air leakages possible.

Thermal bridges are not just the cause of energy waste, they can also generate damps by condensation. With an optimal thermal insulation as the TEMPORTEC barrier (TEMPORTEC ANTI-CONDENSATION and AIRTEC), you can save on consumption of air conditioning in summer and heating in winter because thermal bridges are removed; and prevent the appearance of mildew on the walls.

It is a unique system that is used in many sectors. It will allow eliminate permanently the dampness by condensation in your home, something that other systems will not do.

We have great offers in anti-damp paints

You can do it yourself; with no need of hiring anybody.

It protects the walls of your house against damp from condensation, with no need of repainting every year.

You can assess the quantity you will need, optimising your budget and purchase.

Do not just acquiesce: your family’s health and security have no price.
We work at European level; you can buy our product at our website and pay in credit card or PayPal safe payment. You will receive it at home as soon as possible.